Deutschland Öl Gemälde Reproduktion, Kein Minimum!



Michelangelo Buonarroti

b Caprese 1475 d Rome 1564

Gemälde ID::  62923
he Persian Sibyl
1511 Fresco, 400 x 380 cm Cappella Sistina, Vatican Primordial, totally detached, her eyes focused on things outside this world, and she herself almost a cave of mystery - such is the Persica of the Sistine Chapel. Something of Leonardo's chiaroscuro has crept into her composition. She is a presence still more powerful and secretive, magical and abstracted than the Cumaean Sibyl. Artist: MICHELANGELO Buonarroti Title: The Persian Sibyl Date: 1501-1550 Italian , painting : religious
b Caprese 1475 d Rome 1564




Michelangelo Buonarroti
b Caprese 1475 d Rome 1564
he Persian Sibyl


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